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Learn directly from indigenous elders

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newest offering


Shipibo - Peru

Maestra Inez Laura, & Lila

Maestra Inez is one of the last Shipibo with her level of knowledge, now in her 70s, she has been working as a Master Shaman for over 50 years, along with her two daughters Laura and Lila.

Paq'o Andino, Inka - Peru

Túpaq Ttito Kuntur

Túpaq descends from the pre-Inka and Inka ancestors. He’s an Altomisayoq - a bridge between the celestial, the elementals, and the terrestrial realms. He was taught by his Inka elders and the Apus (spirits) of the High Holy Mountains of the Andes. Túpaq is a spiritual teacher and counselor, keeper of cosmic wisdom of the Paq’os and the Inkas. He is a maestro of the new MUSUQ, Tawantinsuyo of the Inkas.

Hopi, Havasupai, Tewa - USA

Mona Polacca

Maori - New Zealand

Louis (Matua) Te Kouorehua Kereopa

Matua is a Maori Elder (kaumatua) He is a natural counsellor and mentor. He works with various levels of spiritual and emotional guidance and healing. Matua is also a musician and teaches his own form of open eyes prayer meditation, called "Te Rakau Rangimarie” or way of the peace stick. Moving through the 7 elements/guardians of Nature, honouring the Creator and Mother Earth. Matua’s forehead markings represent his spiritual connection with Sky Father, the nose markings represent the Breath of Life, the lips, mouth and chin represent Sacred Jaw of Truth, both sides of his face represent his work of service to God, Ancestors and Family. He received these markings from the elders of his tribe, a blessing attained or his service of Love as a Master Carver and a Matua Puna... Living Spring.

Yoeme - USA

LánéSaán Moonwalker

Elder Readings

Aniwa is proud to announce a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have private readings and healing sessions with some of the most gifted elders, the ones who carry wisdom from unbroken lineages, kept secret for thousands of years.


Embark on a live-changing retreat led by Aniwa, that offer profound healing and transformational experiences.

Join us in Guatemala for our “Love Retreat” with the Aniwa Maya elders April 22 - 27, 2024.


We are so excited to share our new Aniwa Gathering merchandise with you. 

Choose from a variety of epic clothing and accessories available for adults and children. We're proud to share that our items are eco-friendly.

Watch Intro Video

What members are saying

Johanna S.


“If Aniwa would manage to gather all the people in the world to receive these great gifts, the world will be a different place. Mother Earth would be in a better place. We would all use so much more love and kindness.”

Jessie D.


"I'm in awe of how even just the words from our indigenous elders and the music of their communities have completely cracked my heart wide open- even through the screen. Every word spoken is said with such spirit, with such force, I'm hanging on every single word for the medicine I know it's offering me. Thank you Aniwa for supporting such sacred teachings and blessings to be broadcast far and wide, the domino effect of healing that has started because of this will ripple throughout so many communities and lives from here on out.”

Andrew S.


“Aniwa has tapped into the true transformative power of the online world. We are all interconnected in spirit and by Mother Earth and also by the internet. I’m so happy to use my time online to further my spiritual studies and stay connected with my community.”

Shantteh P.


"How do you explain taking away a lifetime's worth of priceless knowledge from an experience that lasts a handful of days? It’s truly a gift to be given such powerful information that not only helps us open our own hearts, minds, and souls but also shows us how to spread that love and wisdom to those around us- and beyond. Aniwa brings together some of the humblest, wisest, and most powerful leaders one might ever witness to do just that- to teach us how to brighten our lights in order for us to collectively increase the vibration of this planet. I am forever humbled and grateful to be able to learn so much from these beautiful souls and I am looking forward to witnessing the growth that Aniwa contributes to this world."

Janina S.


"Words can’t express my gratitude for Aniwa. I have been to the last two Aniwa gatherings. To receive the love and wisdom of all these elders from all over the world is wonderful. Aniwa to me was such a magical, heart-opening event. A beautiful opportunity to deepen the connection with amazing elders, to see their connection with nature, their kindness, their love, to learn about their traditions, to pray together, to receive deep healing, and to meet many lovely people and make new friends. It was a life-changing experience that opened my eyes to many things, which I knew deep inside but had forgotten. Especially sharing this with my mother was beautiful. I can't wait to join the next gathering!"

Brandon O.


"In a world so disconnected from spirit, Aniwa is the catalyst that bridges indigenous wisdom and the modern world. From their gatherings to online events, Aniwa facilitates a space in which we can learn more about ourselves and under the guidance of the elders, find healing, transformation, and a deeper relationship with nature around us."



"The teachings and offerings from Indigenous Leaders and People thanks to Aniwa’s effort is a great gift. Feeling the wisdom, the open hearts, and generosity during the digital gatherings has expanded my perspective on what is possible, how to live with more alignment and trust in the power of intentional living and prayer. Each gathering offers an opportunity to go deeper, learn more, and gain insights into inner transformation. It is special to learn from such rich cultures and traditions about healing, empowerment, and living with integrity and heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you. "

Lucinda W.


“No words can really convey the connection and depth of what I have felt over the weekend…I am so full of gratitude! I was moved, in so many ways, and felt part of a community so quickly, wonderful!”

Matthew D.


The work and mission of Aniwa has been a source of so much love and healing in my life. There are no words to express how their work as bridges for indigenous wisdom has blessed my life, my family, and countless others I have witnessed miracles. The platform and support they offer to the indigenous is crucial at this time, as we are facing many obstacles in movement towards a unified humanity. Thank you So much for this channel of Spirit that is so needed to create balance on this Great Mother Earth. Viva Aniwa!!! 💜🔥💜


Thursday, June 13th to Sunday, June 16th 2024
Big Bear, CA
(Yuhaaviatam - Serrano Territory)


Teachings and wisdom from elders from over 20 Indigenous lineages. Learn how to weave the sacred into your way of life, cultivating harmony and balance with oneself, Mother Earth and all beings. 


Ceremonies to celebrate life and give gratitude for all we have. Sacred offerings to feed the spiritual world. Transmissions of the original instructions of how to walk in balance and beauty in all aspects of life.


to Elders will guide participants on a profound journey of communion with nature, where the elements come alive through offerings and traditional rituals. This allows participants to gain a deeper understanding of their relationship with the natural kingdoms.


Healing practices allow participants to connect with the wisdom of the heart, bringing forth the guidance of their ancestors to find physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual liberation and well-being, receiving tools for continuous transformation. Private healing sessions with the elders can also be booked for a more personalized experience.


Sacred traditional music is the first language to connect with Spirit and Mother Earth, it conveys deep reverence for the natural world, ancestors, and all life. Through rich rhythms and melodies, each note weaves a tapestry of sound, merging with divine energy and the heartbeat of the Earth.


Listening to Indigenous wisdom offers an invaluable and unique opportunity to broaden one’s understanding of their place in the world. Participants gain insights into a holistic approach to life, community values, and sustainable living that help create a brighter future for oneself, our future generations, and our whole planet.


Discover a diverse range of authentic handcrafted treasures and rare finds at our market, showcasing the beauty and intricacy of Indigenous patterns. Each tells a unique story of culture, tradition, and connection with the universe. These items are created in prayer, with the aim of blessing the beholder.


Join a global community of conscious individuals who live in reciprocity, contributing to the positive transformation of our planet for future generations. Become an agent of change for Mother Earth.


Aniwa Gathering supports our elders’ projects. Your contribution serves as a catalyst for increased awareness for these Indigenous leaders and their community projects. We are continuously raising funds through our sister nonprofit, the Huya Aniwa Foundation. 

Thrive in unity and harmony with the Earth.

Learn how to merge ancient philosophies and concepts with Western society: how to connect with the power of elements, the memory of the trees, the wisdom of the stars, the teachings of the heart.

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