Ceremony To Call in a Romantic Partnership or Bless Existing Relationships
with Nana Amalia Tum & Tata Mario Ovalle - Maya Kaqckikel
A note from Nana Amalia: the healing energies that came through this live ceremony are recorded in the video and the ceremony will still be effective as the transmission is coming through their voices and the fire, the most important aspect of it is the explanation of each of the energies of the Mayan calendar and how to connect with them. The depth of the healing will depend on the faith of each participant.’
To enhance the connection, you may set up an altar with a candle, a glass of water from a natural source, and any spirit offerings of your choice.
This offering is presented in Spanish and translated into English.
Once you register for this offering, you will have access to the recording for 30 days to watch and replay.
This offering is from an iPhone recording.
The offering is approximately 2 hours.
This was an offering from Aniwa Gathering Digital Edition in October 2020.
Nana Amalia Tum Xinico
Tata Mario Simon Ovalle Chavez
Ceremony to Call in Love Part 1
Ceremony to Call in Love Part 2