
Mamos and Zagas are the spiritual leaders of the four tribes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the Kogis, Wiwas, Arhuacos and Kankuamos.

The Mamos and Zagas have many different ways of communicating and receiving clear messages from Spirit. Among these methods they have: Kwina, Ruama, Kashi, Abu Tana and Jatuqua. Each of these methods have their own level of difficulty and requirements when learning them.

The more sensitive we become spiritually, the easier it is for us to receive clear messages from Spirit. The Mamos will share a specific pagamento (payments) to support us with the opening of our spiritual channels. Pagamentos are a sacred offering to spiritually pay the debt humanity has with Nature and planet Earth. 

In this workshop the Mamos will focus on Kwina, which is a divination method that relies on the messages we receive through our physical body and how to interpret them accurately. Kwina may be different for each person and involves an array of physical sensations such as changes in the temperature, involuntary body movements, goosebumps, tingling, electrical waves running through the body, etc.

The Kwina divination method is available for most people; however how to interpret them correctly may present a challenge for many. This will be a journey of self-discovery that will help on removing blockages that are preventing us from communicating clearly with Spirit.


Please come prepared to the first session with a clear, smooth glass bead and a white chord / string to make a necklace. The bead should be smooth, meaning not faceted and clear, meaning not colored. This is required for the workshop.


  • How long will I have access to the recording for?

    All participants will all be given access to a recording of the session after they register for 30 days to watch and replay.

  • What language is this offering presented in?

    This offering is presented in Spanish and will be translated into English by a translator.

  • How long is the offering?

    The offering is a two-day workshop. Each day will be about 3 hours, for a total of 6 hours in total.

  • What is the video quality of the offering?

    This offering is will be presented over Zoom.

This digital workshop will be instructed by 4 Mamos and 1 Zaga:

  • Mamo Rodrigo Barros Lazano (Wiwa)
  • Mamo Blas Gil Sauna (Kogi)
  • Mamo Lunekan Corando Alberto (Kogi)
  • Mamo Manuel Barros (Wiwa)
  • Zaga Francisca Daza Barros (Kogi) 

The Teyuna are an Indigenous group formed by the Arhuaco, Kankuamo, Kogi and Wiwa people of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, in Colombia. They, until recently, lived in isolation high in the mountains until they received a message that they had to come down to share their wisdom and work to help the Earth in places where it’s being destroyed. The spiritual leaders of these cultures are known as Mamos. A Mamo represents the beginning of knowledge, the maximum expression of wisdom. Mamos are spiritual guides of the laws of the origins, believed to be destined from the moment of conception by the superior forces of the universe.

Mamos are the spiritual leaders or priests for the Teyuna people. They are the counselors for their communities, and they perform all the important ceremonies for their people such as weddings, funeral rites, rites of passage, and baptisms. The word Mamo means enlightenment of both good and evil. Mamos hold the spiritual knowledge of their people and are trained since an early age to do healings, Pagamentos or ceremony as well as divination.

Mamo Sewigu Kakamukwa (Mamo Rodrigo) comes from a lineage of Mamos that goes beyond his great-great-grandfather, his family comes from the Kakamukwa lineage and there has been Mamos in his family in every single generation. 

Mamo Rodrigo was an educator and a leader of his community before receiving his Segwa at the head of the Jerez River when being ordained as a Mamo. Mamo Rodrigo is not only a Mamo, but he was a Maestro first. For the Teyuna, a Maestro is a weaver, a storyteller, a musician, a teacher, and is also in charge of making sacred objects for the community. 

Zagas (or Sagas) are the female equivalents of Mamos, spiritual leaders from the Teyuna people of the Sierra Nevada of Colombia. 

Zagas are much more than just leaders.  A Zaga is a Priestess, a medicine woman, a botanist, a midwife, a massage therapist, a weaver, a storyteller, an adviser, a seer, a diviner, a musician, and an elder. They represent the light in the darkness. They hold the ancestral wisdom for future generations. They move and behave in alignment with the rhythms of nature. They are the healers and hold the keys for the water, the Earth, and the air elements. And because of this, the Zagas have the big responsibility to sustain the planet. They are the weavers of knowledge to store wisdom. Zagas represent the moon and are the rulers of time and cycles.


5 star rating

A Deeper Understanding

Gagabshee chapman

This course has been yet again an awakening experience for me. As a highly sensitive and psychic person gaining this teaching has created a deeper understand...

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This course has been yet again an awakening experience for me. As a highly sensitive and psychic person gaining this teaching has created a deeper understanding of the treasured gifts I carry. Finely tuning what is already there with clarity and knowledge. I have so much love and respect for the Mamos. Just being in the mere presence is spiritually activating.

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About This Fundraiser

About this fundraiser: 

This fundraiser is to build a Feminine Temple (or Ushui), near La Junta in the Kalibrurrua community for the Teyuna people of the Sierra Nevadas. Unguma Shui Nun is the name given to two sacred buildings which are built next to each other.

One represents the feminine principle and the other the masculine principle. Unguma Shui Nun is the gathering place for the Indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta.

These temples play an important role in their communities. These temples serve as gathering places, schools, hospitals, as well as ceremonial spaces for weddings, baptisms, rites of passage, and funeral rites.

In a small Wiwa/Kogi community in an area near La Junta, named Kalibrurrúa or Sacred Mountain, the Mamos were able to build the Masculine Temple, but because of lack of resources they couldn’t build the Feminine Temple (or Ushui) because of the scarcity of trees in this location.

As the Mamos acknowledge the duality and their life work is to keep the balance between these two major forces in nature and in our world. Therefore, building the Feminine Temple is imperative because having only the Masculine Temple impacts their lives in a negative way. It throws the entire community off balance.

The Feminine Temple (or Ushui) is the gathering place for the women in the community where the most important life events for an Indigenous woman will take place. In the Feminine Temple, the Zaga or Priestess will teach the young girls about plants, healing, massage techniques, storytelling, how and when to do pagamentos, spindling and knitting. In the Feminine Temple, ancient knowledge is passed on from elders to young girls by oral tradition. This space is also for rites of passage, such as the time when a girl gets her first period or later on when she gets married.

Registration: sliding scale options

There are sliding scale options available for those who wish to give more. We thank you for your generosity and support!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Opening Spiritual Channels with Mamos & Zagas

    • Welcome

    • Day 1: Sharing Our Experiences with Kwina

    • Day 2: Learning about Kwina

    • Tree Pagamento Instructions

    • Wind Pagamento


Apply for our scholarship program

Scholarships are available for indigenous and low-income individuals. A portion of our available participation spots are designated for scholars. Please submit your application promptly, as these positions tend to be in high demand and are quickly filled.